Late again.
Hopefully, I’ll be back on track with getting these show notes posted on Friday like they’re supposed to be.
Two weeks ago, I was out. Last week, I was back, but I was stuck in New Orleans. This week, Brad is out and I’m in Aberdeen, South Dakota. Confusing. Such is the life of… well, us I guess.
If you missed episode 19, you can still give it a listen. I think we still have some work to do on our audio quality and more structure to our content. In time. Please enjoy while you maintain your patience with us.
Episode 20
These are the notes we use to guide the discussion. These notes were written by me (Evan). This episode would normally be led by Brad, but he wanted a vacation or something. I was like, whatever man.
Description – Today’s Topic: Staying Healthy
The basis for the content of today’s show will be provided by the article with the same name that was written and published on March 7th. The article also became Chapter 5 in the So You Want to Get into Security? eBook. The eBook is free on iTunes.
Show Recording: Monday, March 25th, 2019 @ 6:45am
[Evan] Good morning folks, this is episode 20 of the UNSECURITY Podcast. The date is March 25th, 2019 and not joining me today is my friend Brad Nigh. Brad wanted a vacation. Can you believe it?! Whatever.
I’m not going solo however. Joining me this morning is Shawn Pollard. Good morning Shawn!
[Shawn] Says something…
[Evan] Backing up a second. On the topic of vacation. I guess I took one a couple of weeks ago, so I should cut Brad some slack. Shawn, for people who don’t know, is an Analyst at FRSecure. Shawn, is that you’re title?
[Shawn] Says something…
[Evan] How long have you been with FRSecure now?
[Shawn] Says something…
[Evan] Do you take vacations? When was the last vacation you took?
[Shawn] Says something…
[Evan] What’s you’re thoughts on vacations? Are they important for us?
[Shawn] Says something…
[Evan] I think they’re critical to healthy living, especially as a security professional. I should have added this to a recent article I wrote titled Staying Healthy. Have you seen and read this article Shawn?
[Shawn] Says something…
[Evan] What did you think?
[Shawn] Says something…
Open Discussion
Open discussion about the importance of getting and staying healthy, based on the article. I have a lot to learn here, and I’m very interested in Shawn’s take on these things.
[Evan] I have to admit, I’ve been swamped this week and I haven’t been up-to-date on the news as much as I normally do. Shawn, do you keep up with the news and if so, how do you do it?
[Shawn] Says something…
[Evan] Here’s some recent news that did catch my eye this week.
- Tesla car hacked at Pwn2Own contest –
- FEMA leaks sensitive details of 2.3 million disaster survivors –
- Facebook exposed millions of user passwords to employees –
There’s a ton more news to talk about, but we’re out of time. There’s no shortage of breaches, bugs, and attack news. Stay alert and be careful! If you’re not keeping up with the news, or you feel a bit overwhelmed, you’re not alone. What are some of you’re favorite ways to stay up-to-date, but not get slammed?
[Evan] Any parting words of wisdom Shawn?
[Shawn] Wisdomy things.
[Evan] We have work to do soon, don’t we? What did you think of your first podcast experience?
[Shawn] Says something…
Thank you very much for stepping in Shawn. It’s always a great experience to chat with you! Next week, Brad’s back. Neither one of us will be at the home office though. Both of us are working on a project in Rochester, New York, so that’s where we’ll be coming to you from next week.
Don’t forget, you can follow me Brad or I on Twitter; @evanfrancen and @BradNigh. Shawn, you use Twitter at all?
Email us on the show at
Thanks again and see you next week!