The UNSECURITY Podcast – Episode 37 Show Notes

On time this week? Absolutely! We take these things seriously around here, you know that!

Happy Friday UNSECURITY Podcast listeners! It was a great week for us, hope yours was good (or better).

Weeks like this one at FRSecure and SecurityStudio are always special. We held our end of quarter meeting at our Minnetonka, MN headquarters. Our people fly in from all over the country to celebrate, collaborate, and have fun. It’s AWESOME to see everyone and spend time catching up.

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We are all family here, and it’s an amazing experience when everyone gets to come home. We have people fly in for the week from Florida, Nevada, Kentucky, and soon to be Missouri. It’s magical when everyone gets together. One of our core values is “work hard, play hard”, and it’s fun to see everyone collaborating then going out and having fun afterwards. Seriously amazing people doing incredible things.

I love these people!

Like almost every quarter, the team killed it again. It was another record quarter revenue and profit-wise, but this is secondary to the impact this team is making in our industry.

The mood was awesome. Blessings everywhere.

On to the show notes, eh? (What am I Canadian now?)

Originally, we were planning to cover a new SecurityStudio initiative we affectionately call “Project Bacon”. We’re going to put that off until next week because we have a special guest joining us for this show. Our special guest is Jim Nash, who represents District 47A in the Minnesota State House of Representatives.

SHOW NOTES – Episode 37

Date: Monday, July 22nd, 2019

Today’s Topics:

We’re going to touch on the following topics this week:

  • Civic Ransomware Awareness Project update
  • The #100DaysofTruth update
  • Calling BS on BS
  • Industry News

[Evan] – Hey oh. Good morning everyone. My name is Evan Francen. My show to host this week, so if you don’t like it, blame Brad. Speaking of Brad, he’s here. Hi Brad.

[Brad] Hi (or something similar)

[Evan] Also joining us this morning is Mr. Jim Nash. Now, I’ve got a special affinity for Jim. He’s a good friend, and he also represents my home district in the Minnesota State House of Representatives. Hi Jim.

[Jim] He also says “hi” or something of the like.

[Evan] Jim, I’m grateful for the work you do for the people of our district and I’m also very thankful for advocating like you do for information security. You’re a tremendous advocate for FRSecure, for the State, and for the US as a whole. Thank you.

[Jim] Graciously accepts my gratitude and says something wisdomy that will awe his constituents. I’ll probably have to cut him short because politicians sometimes like to talk.

[Evan] Let’s jump right in, shall we? We have a lot to cover in this week’s show. Real quick, like real real quick, what did you think about last week?

[ALL] Stuff.

[Evan] Yeah, it was a great week for sure. Quick update on the civic ransomware call to action stuff. I actually gave this thing a real name now, “Civic Ransomware Awareness Project”. We received a few more updates; a couple from our backyard here in Minnesota and one as far away as Idaho.

Civic Ransomware Awareness Project discussion

[Evan] I hope we’ll continue the efforts to work together, people from all walks and backgrounds, including the private and public sector, to make information security better for everybody.

[ALL] Maybe they say something maybe they don’t. It’s early Monday morning for crying out loud.

[Evan] Another thing from last week. Don’t know if you guys noticed, but I finished my #100DaysofTruth series. What did you think?

#100DaysofTruth discussion

[Evan] It was a fun exercise. People have been asking me “now what”? Here’s the plan, and you heard it here first. The FRSecure Marketing Team is summarizing all one hundred days into a single blog post, we’re going to produce an ebook out of the content, we’re going to create an audiobook, and I’m thinking about doing #100DaysofLies.

[ALL] Maybe some more comments, maybe I need to kick them under the table to wake them up.

[Evan] Alright, next thing I wanted to talk about was something that you, Jim, brought to my attention last week. This should be a good discussion. Jim came to me an told me that there’s this guy (he didn’t recall his name at the time) who is out there preaching that there are companies in the United States that are unhackable. As you can probably imagine, I’m not buying it. So I wrote a blog post here at evanfrancen.comblog post here at, and I’d like to talk about it. Whatya say guys? Game?

[ALL] Of course they’re game!

Calling BS on BS discussion

NOTE: Go into the background some more, then talk about the BS.

[Evan] Alright. Good spirited discussion. Let’s wrap this thing up with some news, then get on with what is sure to be another great week!

Industry News

Here’s the news to discuss, just two this week because we covered so much other stuff and we’re running out of time:


[Evan] – Well, damn. That’s how it is. We do a ton of things around here and we talk about a lot of stuff. Special thanks to Jim Nash for joining us this week. Jim, you’re a good man. Also, a special thanks to our listeners. You guys give us awesome feedback every week and tips about what you’d like us to talk about. Be sure to follow me, Brad, and/or Jim on Twitter. I’m @evanfrancen, Brad’s @BradNigh, and Jim’s  @JimNashMN. Email the show at Have a great week everybody!


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