The UNSECURITY Podcast – Episode 31 Show Notes

Another week is in the books. Is it really true that the older you get, the faster time goes? God, it seems like it.

It was another great week, and there are so many things to be grateful for. FRSecure is cranking away at the mission (to fix the broken industry), and SecurityStudio is kicking tail too! I can only begin to tell you how awesome it is to work with the best information security people in the industry. When I say “best”, I mean the best in terms of quality of character. I LOVE these guys! They won’t brag about themselves, but I’ll brag all day about them. Crazy cool.

Some things going on at FRSecure:

  • Just finished the 10th annual CISSP Mentor Program. We had 500+ registered students at the beginning, and ended with a lot less than that. Some of it is attributed to normal attrition, and some of it is attributed to the quality of the instructors. 😉 The last event is Wednesday; Brad and I are BBQing for the students who can make it to our office in person. Come out and grab some good BBQ on Wednesday at 6pm!
  • We’re putting together our next Hacks & Hops event, actually our superstar marketing folks are. The next event is titled “BREACHED! WHAT TO DO WHEN YOUR DEFENSES FAIL” and it’s slated for September 19th at US Bank Stadium; not the whole stadium, a big meeting room inside the stadium (that would be nuts). We’re working on putting together an all-star panel for you, and there will be beer (lots for those who like lots). Mark you calendars now, and watch for the sign-up. It will sell out fast.
  • We’re hiring again! We’re sort of always hiring, I think. Anyway, the bar is high in terms of integrity, but we’ll learn all sorts of cool things together. Check out our positions, and apply. We like people and stuff! We have six (6) open positions at present, so if you know someone, send them our way!
  • Personally, I had some great meetings this week! The people in this industry are fascinating. Some highlights include the following… Had coffee with Matt Stellmacher on Monday. If you’re in this market, in Minnesota, you gotta know who Matt is! He’s a partner at White Oak Security, and an all around great guy. Had a great meeting with Jim O’Conner on Wednesday. Jim is Cargill’s CISO, and he’s a great guy with a TON of security wisdom. I spent most of the time listening intently to what he had to share. Had lunch with Red Team Security‘s CEO Ryan Manship on Thursday. Our hearts are aligned on some things in this industry.
  • Gave a talk at an event put on by Top Dog PC Services at Summit Brewery. Had a blast making a few new friends and giving away some more books. They recorded some of my talk and posted in online here. The audio and video quality are a little (or a lot) off, but somehow they made me seem like I made sense.
  • The icing on the cake came on Friday (today). Went to BrrCon. This was the best conference that I’d been to in a very long time. Ran into 10(ish) friends, talked to Dave Kennedy and spent a little time with Chris Roberts. These are two of my favorite influential people in our industry. It was a GREAT day!

Some of the things going on at SecurityStudio:

  • We’re finalizing our Board of Directors! In full transparency, this is the first board that I’ve ever put together, and I have (almost) no idea what I’m doing. Thank God for SecurityStudio’s president (James Williams) who’s put together awesome boards before. Also, thank God for the directors who have agreed to participate! Finishing touches are being worked on now, and an announcement is coming soon!
  • At SecurityStudio, we’re all about inclusion and integration. We met with the fine folks from Quill Security Technology this week, and they’ve got some VERY cool stuff! I’ve never seen a better physical security risk assessment methodology or tool than the one these guys have built. You know what they (or I) say, “nobody cares about your firewall when someone steals your server.” How about, “nobody cares about your firewall when someone is assaulted”? Good people over there and I’m sure we’ll figure out a way to integrate what each of us does well!
  • Lot’s a very cool development stuff and marketing stuff being done. You’ll hear more about this soon too!

Oh yeah, I met Betty this week. We met on Tuesday and she’s mine now.

Well, it was one helluva week!

Alright, now onto the show notes…

SHOW NOTES – Episode 31

Date: Monday, June 10th, 2019

This is Evan’s turn to lead the show, and these are my notes.

Today’s Topics:

  • Solutions, not sales.
  • Important lessons this week.
  • News

[Evan] Hey, good morning. Today is Monday, June 10th, and this is episode 31 of the Unsecurity Podcast. This voice you hear is Evan Francen and joining me as usual is my co-worker and more importantly good friend Brad Nigh. Good morning Brad.

[Brad] Queue Brad.

[Evan] Brad, it’s good to hang out with you man. 

[Brad] Queue Brad (again).

[Evan] Can you believe that this is episode 31 already? Seems like episode one was only a few weeks ago, and here we are. We’ve learned a lot since the first show, eh?

[Brad] Queue Brad (again).

[Evan] How was your week last week? Tell us about some of the highlights?

[Brad] Queue Brad (again).

[Evan] Mine was awesome and nuts at the same time (read above).

[Brad] Queue Brad (again).

[Evan] I had one experience last week that I wanted to talk with you about. I was with a couple of sales guys from a VAR…

Open discussion about “solutions not sales”

This topic is sure to raise the blood pressure of both Brad and I. It will be a great discussion!

[Evan] You and I have been in this industry a long time. Between the two of us, we have 40 something years under our belt, but one thing I know, and I think you’ll agree with me, is that we NEVER stop learning. So, last week was full of good stuff. Give us one thing that you learned last week Brad, then I’ll go.

[Brad] Queue Brad (again).

Open discussion about “important lessons from last week”

[Evan] Alright man, good things! Let’s wrap up with some newsy stuff. Just four stories to share quick.



[Evan] Nice talk Brad! Let’s see if we have another week like the last. Hope everyone listening has a great week. Stay safe and stay healthy. Thank you Brad. Don’t forget, you can follow me or Brad on Twitter; @evanfrancen and @BradNigh. Email us on the show at That’s a wrap!


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