My Projects

ADHD people do A LOT of sh*t, and here's some of the Sh*t I'm working on

Everything I do professionally is about our mission. If you want to know more about anything I'm working on or if you'd like to help out, let me know!


CvCISO® Program

The first ever certification program for vCISOs. Attempting to set a standard of excellence for vCISOs everywhere, making sure they're serving their customers well!


Project Broken Mirror

Mapping the attack surface of the entire United States in an effort to increase community involvement in securing our country's critical infrastructure.


TEACH Program

TEACH™ is short for Tangible Experience Apprenticeship for Cybersecurity in HigherEd. Helping post-secondary education institutions empower their students through real-world practical experience.



WISE is short for Whole of ____ Information Security Empowerment. It's one way to solve integrating information security accountability into complex environments.


FRSecure CISSP Mentor Program

A FREE training program I started in 2010 with six students because I was tired of people complaining about not having enough talent in our industry. Since inception, we've training more than 100,000 students. Did I mention "FREE"?


The CvCISO Podcast

Similique magna quisquam accusamus adipiscing tempus ornare dolorem, exercitationem perferendis neque.


Sunsets and Snowdrifts Podcast

A monthly long form podcast I do with my awesome pal Michael Kennedy (Founder of Ostra).


Nothing but real (and raw) talk about what's top of mind for a couple information security veterans.


InfoSec to Insanity: My Life Lessons Podcast

Join me on "InfoSec to Insanity: My Life Lessons," where the only thing more unpredictable than my career in information security is my life outside the digital realm.


Other miscellaneous exploits

There always these things too.


Some of them I might share, some of them I can't share without enduring consequences I don't want to endure right now.

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