OK, we’re doing this roadshow. Publicly, we call it the SecurityStudio Roadshow. Internally, we call it “Project Bacon”. Who doesn’t like bacon?
This is a short article to tell you about the SecurityStudio Roadshow and what we’re trying to accomplish with it. The first phase of the #S2Roadshow kicks off at the BSides Harrisburg (PA) Conference on October 2nd and ends with the RSA Conference in February, 2020.
We’re on a mission. Our mission is to fix the broken information security industry. Say what?! Yeah, we know. It’s a big mission. Two things come to mind right away:
- Where do we start?
- How do we start?
We need to start where we’ll have the greatest positive impact on our industry and we need to start with people who are closest to the problem.
Where do we start
We start with information security fundamentals. If you hired me as your CISO, the very first thing I would do is an information security risk assessment. Considering that maybe ~90% of organizations in the United States fail to do this fundamental exercise reinforces the notion that this is where we’ll start.
SecurityStudio developed the S2Org information security risk assessment, and it’s already been used by more than 1,500 companies. We’ll start with the S2Org assessment and we’ll offer it for free.
The S2Org is SIMPLE, FUNDAMENTLAL, and COMPLIANT. More about this later.
How do we start
We start by making friends. We’ll get on the road and we’ll meet them where they are. The #S2Roadshow! We’ll travel the country recruiting people for our cause. We’re recruiting partners and end users. Partners use our tools to attract new customers and help their existing ones. End users can use our tools for free to address their fundamental information security needs.
Keep Up
We invite you to join us on the road, either in person or online. If you’ll be at one of the various events we’ll be at, come say “hi”! Tell us how we can help you and/or join us. For those of you who can’t be where we are, follow us on my personal blog, on Twitter, and/or LinkedIn.
- My blog:
- Twitter hashtag: #S2Roadshow
- Twitter handles:
- SecurityStudio @StudioSecurity
- Evan Francen @evanfrancen
- John Harmon @harmonjohn (my roadshow buddy!)
It’s going to be one helluva ride, and we’re excited to share it with you! We’ll meet a bunch of cool people, establish some great new relationships, and make a lot of progress on the mission!
I’ll post daily updates here. This will sort of be my #S2Roadshow journal.
Want to know more about SecurityStudio, check us out online; Get your S2Score, become a partner, or help us with our mission!
Oh yeah, one more thing. We’ll be hunting down the best BBQ joints while we’re on the road. We’ll eat and we’ll review. It’s hard to be a security guy on the road.