If you’re an information security consultant, you know how crazy the end of the year is. It’s crazy!
We’re trying to wrap up all the projects that needed to be completed before the end of the year, and it’s always a challenge. Thank God for Project Managers and a top-notch operations group!
If you missed last week’s episode, we talked about information security in schools with Mike Dronen, the Executive Director of Technology for Minnetonka Public Schools (District 276). Mike shared some great insight and advice for addressing the unique information security challenges facing K-12 schools. If you missed the episode, give it a listen here!
It was no coincidence that last week I also gave the keynote at the East Central Minnesota Education Cable Cooperative (ECMECC) School Security Summit. The Summit was held at the Braham Event Center on December 19th, and was attended by a few hundred K12 school administrators, technology coordinators, facilities staff, and law enforcement. Met a ton of cool people and my keynote was well-received.
If you’d like a copy of the ECMECC presentation, you can go grab it here.
This is Christmas week! For those of us working this week, please take some time off to spend with your loved ones. Merry Christmas to all of you!
Brad is leading the show this week, and these are his notes.
SHOW NOTES – Episode 59
Date: Monday, December 23rd, 2019
Show Topics:
Our topics this week:
- The SecurityStudio Roadshow Recap (not all the questions, but I have some surprises)
- Let’s talk about who we met on the Roadshow; different roles, titles, experience levels, etc.
- Anyone stand out in particular?
- Was there a specific event that really stood out to you, and why?
- What was something you learned that surprised you?
- News
[Brad] Welcome back! This is episode 59 of the UNSECURITY Podcast, and I’m your host this week, Brad Nigh. Today is December 23rd, and joining me is my co-host, Evan Francen. Good morning Evan.
[Evan] Lots of words of wisdom I’m sure.
[Brad] We have an in-studio guest today. FRSecure and Security Studio President, John Harmon. Good morning John.
[John] John says something I hope.
[Brad] Before we dive in, we like to check-in. John, how you doing? How was your week and what do you expect this week?
[John] John wonders why he agreed to do a podcast again this early in the morning but is a good sport and says something.
[Brad] And Evan. How are you and what’s up?
[Evan] Probably isn’t sure what to do with himself since he isn’t traveling all the time.
[Brad] Sounds like everyone is ready for the holidays to recharge and prepare for the next year. We thought it would be fun to answer some questions and hear from Evan and John their thoughts on the recently completed roadshow, so without further ado let’s dive in.
SecurityStudio Roadshow Recap
- Some surprise questions will be asked…
- Let’s talk about who you met on the roadshow, roles, titles, experience levels, etc.
- Anyone particular stand out?
- Was there a specific event that really stood out to you, why?
- What was something you learned doing this that surprised you?
[Brad] Great discussion. Always fun talking with Evan and John.
Let’s do some news…
[Brad] Always plenty of things to talk about in the news, and here’s a few stories that caught my eye this week:
- Ransomware Gangs Now Outing Victim Businesses That Don’t Pay Up – https://krebsonsecurity.com/2019/12/ransomware-gangs-now-outing-victim-businesses-that-dont-pay-up/
- 267M Facebook Users’ Phone Numbers Exposed Online – https://threatpost.com/267m-facebook-phone-numbers-exposed-online/151327/
- Wawa Stores Plagued by Malware Since March – https://www.infosecurity-magazine.com/news/wawa-stores-plagued-by-malware/
- Hello ‘123456,’ my old friend, I’ve come to talk with you again – https://nakedsecurity.sophos.com/2019/12/20/hello-123456-my-old-friend-ive-come-to-talk-with-you-again/
- Direct link to the top 50 worst passwords – https://www.teamsid.com/1-50-worst-passwords-2019/
- Twitter trolls attack epileptics with seizure-inducing images – https://nakedsecurity.sophos.com/2019/12/20/twitter-trolls-attack-epileptics-with-seizure-inducing-images/
[Brad] That’s it. Episode 59 is a wrap. Thank you to John for joining us again, although this is the first time I’ve been here for it.
Thank you to our listeners! Keep the questions and feedback coming. Send things to us by email at unsecurity@protonmail.com. If you’re the social type, socialize with us on Twitter, I’m @BradNigh, and Evan is @evanfrancen. John, is there a way you prefer for people to interact with you?
Lastly, be sure to follow SecurityStudio (@studiosecurity) and FRSecure (@FRSecure) for more goodies.
That’s it! Talk to you all again next week!