UNSECURITY Podcast – Ep 99 Show Notes – The Social Dilemma

Happy Tuesday! Here we are again, and lots going on…

The big news (sort of) is the first presidential debate is tonight. I wonder how many people will tune in. Personally, I’m not sure if I will. We’ll see.

A few weeks ago my wife asked me to watch the social dilemma with her on Netflix, so I did. I’d heard about the documentary/movie from some friends, but didn’t get around to watching it until then. Wow!

The opening quote from the movie:

Nothing vast enters the life of mortals without a curse


He was right. Today, Brad and I will give your our reviews about the social dilemma and talk about our thoughts. These are my (Evan) show notes for episode 99.

SHOW NOTES – Episode 99

Date: Tuesday, September 29th, 2020

Episode 99 Topics

  • Opening
  • Catching Up
  • the social dilemma
  • News
  • Wrapping Up – Shout outs

[Evan] Good morning everyone. Thanks for tuning in to episode 99 of the UNSECURITY Podcast. Today is September 29th, 2020 and joining me is my co-host and friend Brad Nigh.

Good morning Brad.

[Brad] Cue Brad.

[Evan] We’ve got a special show planned for our listeners this week. Brad, you and I both watched the social dilemma on Netflix. It’s a documentary about social media in our society that was released in January. Funny how neither of us had watched it until recently, and now (as of this morning) it’s trending as the #6 most popular video on Netflix. I guess it’s better late to the party than not showing up at all!

Before we jump in, I’m dying to hear your thoughts, let’s catch up quick. This is customary.

Catching Up

[Evan] Brad, how you doing? What’s new?

[Brad] Cue Brad.

[Evan] Cue Evan.


the social dilemma

[Evan] You watched the social dilemma, right?

[Brad] Cue Brad.

[Evan] What did you think?

Our review and discussion

  • What if I’m not a social media user/addict, why should I care?
  • We see different realities? Different news feeds?
  • Data (you and I) sold to the highest bidder.
  • Where does this all end if we don’t act (now)?

Any sufficiently advanced technology is indistinguishable from magic

-Arthur C. Clarke

[Evan] If you haven’t seen the social dilemma yet, I highly suggest you do. Sit down, spend the hour and a half, and consider it all. If you’ve got a spouse, invite them to watch it with you. If you’ve got teenage kids, see if you can peel them away from their phones long enough too.

We’ve got to do more about this, and we’ve got to move much quicker than we are.

[Evan] OK, news. Let’s do some quick news stories.


[Evan] Three news stories to talk about briefly this week:

Wrapping Up – Shout outs

[Evan] OK. That’s about it. Episode 99 is almost a wrap. Brad, any shout outs this week?

[Brad] Shout out…

[Evan] We’re very grateful for our listeners and we love hearing from you. Send us messages by email at unsecurity@protonmail.com or check us out on Twitter, @UnsecurityP.

If you wanna socialize with me or Brad directly, we dare you! I’m @evanfrancen, and Brad’s @BradNigh. We work for people and if you want to follow those people, SecurityStudio is @studiosecurity and FRSecure is @FRSecure.

That’s it, talk you all again next week!


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