Happy Monday! You know what it’s time for, right?
Show notes!
Last week’s episode with FRSecure’s Director of Technical Solutions and Services, Oscar Minks was GREAT! I’m still pumped about Team Ambush and how well they did in their competitions (not one, but four) at DEF CON Safe Mode. That team kicks ass and the future looks incredible for that team.
Now, we’re sort of between series here at the UNSECURITY Podcast, so we’re going to try something new. We’re going to do a Google search of an industry term, then discuss what the results are. Should be fun and educational, all at the same time.
Brad is leading the show this week, so let’s get to it!
SHOW NOTES – Episode 94
Date: Monday, August 24th, 2020
Episode 94 Topics
- Opening
- Catching Up
- Google Search – “Cybersecurity”
- News
- Wrapping Up – Shout outs
[Brad] Good morning and welcome to episode 94 of the UNSECURITY Podcast. Today is August 24th. My name is Brad Nigh and joining me is my co-host, Evan Francen. Good morning Evan.
[Evan] This is where I usually say “good morning” back to Brad.
Catching Up
[Brad] What’s up and what’s new?
Quick discussion about last week, the weekend, or whatever else comes to mind.
- How are you guys?
- Tell me about your weekend quick.
- Anything in particular that you’re excited about?
[Evan] Things and such probably…
[Brad] Things and such probably too…
Google Search – “Cybersecurity”
[Brad] Alright, well we’re between series right now. We finished up the Women in Security Series a couple weeks ago and last week we caught up with Oscar Minks. This week we’ll do something educational. Here’s the idea. We’ll do a Google search of the word “cybersecurity” and you and I will discuss the first page of results. What do you think about that?
[Evan] Sounds good to me. Let’s do it!
[Brad] Cool. So, open your favorite browser. Go to https://google.com if it’s not your default search engine and type “cybersecurity” (all one word). What do you see? Do you agree with what the links say or show? The thing about information security is we need to be a little more literal because of all the confusion. So let’s talk about it.
Open discussion about Google’s search results.
[Brad] That was sort of cool. Hopefully our listeners learned something or maybe they shot up in their chair disagreeing with you and I. We’ll see from the feedback we get!
How about some quick news stuff? We’ve got a few news stories of note…
[Brad] Alright, here’s some newsy things that I thought were interesting this past week:
- AI firm exposes 2.5 million sensitive medical records online – https://www.hackread.com/ai-firm-exposes-sensitive-medical-data-online/
- FritzFrog Botnet Attacks Millions of SSH Servers – https://threatpost.com/fritzfrog-botnet-millions-ssh-servers/158489/
- Microsoft Issues Emergency Security Updates for Windows 8.1 and Server 2012 R2 – https://thehackernews.com/2020/08/windows-update-download.html
- Former Uber CISO Joseph Sullivan Charged for Helping Hackers for 2016 UBER Hack – https://gbhackers.com/former-uber-ciso-joseph-sullivan-charged-uber-hack/amp/
- Travel Site Exposed 37 Million Records Before Meow Attack – https://www.infosecurity-magazine.com/news/travel-site-exposed-37m-records
Wrapping Up – Shout outs