Hey there. It’s time for another episode of the UNSECURITY Podcast, and we’ve got a special guest joining us this week!
Too many things going on to mention right now. Cool things going on at FRSecure and SecurityStudio, but I haven’t really had the time to process it all yet. In my last meeting of the day (2/22), a friend asked me how my day went. I couldn’t answer. Things went from this to that so fast, I never took a second to think about how my day was. Weird. Have you ever had this happen to you?
Well, let’s get to what we came here for…
The notes for episode 120 of the UNSECURITY Podcast.
SHOW NOTES – Episode 120 – Tuesday February 23rd, 2021
[Brad] Good morning and welcome to another episode of the UNSECURITY Podcast! This is episode 120, and the date is February 23rd, 2021. I’m your host Brad Nigh. Joining me is the my good friend and co-host Evan Francen. Hey Evan. How you doing?
Quick Catching Up
- Welcome our special guest, Tony Alsleben.
- Tony is the CISO for CentraCare.
- CentraCare is a large integrated health system here in Minnesota.
- Six hospitals, seven senior care facilities, 18 clinics, four pharmacies, and lots of specialty care services.
- Cold snap has broken here in MN. Yay!
- What’s new at FRSecure and SecurityStudio?
The Meat
- Tony Alsleben, a CISOs take on information security in healthcare.
- Introduction to Tony
- A little background on Tony, how’d he get where he’s at?
- What’s it like to be a CISO in healthcare?
- What do you think are the top infosec priorities in US healthcare?
- What’s your greatest infosec challenge right now?
- What advice do you have for other healthcare organizations?
- Is there anything that keeps you up at night?
- Other open discussion things…
- Recent news about “cybersecurity” attacks in healthcare.
- The 427
- Nebraska Medicine-UNMC patients concerned about hackers getting information – https://www.wowt.com/2021/02/10/patients-of-omaha-hospital-share-concerns-of-hackers-getting-information/
- Hospitals Suffer New Wave of Hacking Attempts – https://www.wsj.com/articles/hospitals-suffer-new-wave-of-hacking-attempts-11612261802
- US Hospital Hacked, Patient Names and Colonoscopy Results Posted Online – https://www.techtimes.com/articles/256772/20210206/hospital-hacked-patient-names-colonoscopy-results-posted-online.htm
- French hospitals hit by ransomware cyberattacks – https://www.france24.com/en/tv-shows/business-daily/20210216-french-hospitals-hit-by-ransomware-cyberattack
- France to boost cyberdefense after hospital malware attacks – https://www.modernhealthcare.com/cybersecurity/france-boost-cyberdefense-after-hospital-malware-attacks
- Hospital Recovers from Ransomware; Vendor Incidents Hit Kroger, Provider – https://healthitsecurity.com/news/hospital-recovers-from-ransomware-vendor-incidents-hit-kroeger-provider
- Hospital And Clinics In Spring Valley Hacked – https://www.lcbcradio.com/wlpo/hospital-and-clinics-in-spring-valley-hacked/article_cee4c032-752e-11eb-8fd1-ab678d92a579.html
- ‘The Good Doctor’: The Hospital Is in Trouble After a Cyber Attack – https://www.cheatsheet.com/entertainment/the-good-doctor-hospital-in-trouble-after-cyber-attack.html/
- What’s new with our book, The vCISO Handbook?
- Registration for the FRSecure CISSP Mentor Program
- OPINION: The big debate: control compliance vs. risk management- https://www.cio.com/article/3608652/the-big-debate-control-compliance-vs-risk-management.html
- US charges North Koreans in relation to global cyber attacks – https://www.tripwire.com/state-of-security/featured/us-charges-north-korean-hackers-wannacry-sony-pictures-attack/
Wrapping Up – Shout Outs
- Thanks again for joining us Tony!
- Who’s getting shout outs this week?
- Closing – Thank you to all our listeners! Send things to us by email at unsecurity@protonmail.com. If you’re the social type, socialize with us on Twitter, I’m @BradNigh and Evan’s @evanfrancen. Other Twitter handles where you can find some of the stuff we do, UNSECURITY is @unsecurityP, SecurityStudio is @studiosecurity, and FRSecure is @FRSecure. That’s it. Talk to you all again next week!
…and we’re done.